Soccer Tournaments | We have leagues for all ages

What we can do for you

We give you the ability to find and meet new people that have the same passion as you do, to play sports! We make it easy for you, we are basically a social networking system that gathers up all the information and organizes everything so that all you have to do is enjoy yourself and play the sport. The only events that have any type of cost are ones that you are able to win prizes in or any that require special equipment, such as football.

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Upcoming events

TRACK & FIELD | March 20th

We have all types of track and field events planned. Make sure that you sign up today so you don't get left out.


We are only able to take so many people so sign up as soon as possible. There is a $10 fee for this event due to equipment.

SOCCER | June 25th

Come and enjoy our friendly little soccer tournament. We have multiple leagues set up so age is not a problem, make sure to sign up today.

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